Vintage Paradise Garage Shirt & MALUCA MALA

07/06/2012 § Leave a comment

Extremely rare original merchandise from NYC’s Paradise Garage. One of my all time favorite shirts.

I won’t let this one go easily, it’s gotta go to someone special. Someone who understands the impact PG had on downtown NYC’s Art scene in the 1980’s and the lasting effect it had on the creative world in general.

Keith Haring’s second home was the Paradise Garage. The legendary Larry Levan would have been DJ-ing there on any given night.

A portrait of Larry Levan by Keith Haring.

Spotify him if you’re not familiar.

Larry’s wearing a variation of the shirt I have on the album cover of Larry Levan’s Paradise Garage.

I really like clothing brands that reference obscure iconography & interesting subculture. MadeMe New York is a great example of this.

MadeMe actually paid homage to the Paradise Garage logo and had NY’s MALUCA MALA and her dance crew (OSCAR & SABEL) model it for their look book. MALUCA reminds me of someone who would have actually been performing at Paradise Garage if she were an artist of that era.

Catch MALUCA tonight before she goes to Italy tomorrow:

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